Who Needs a Paintbrush Anyway? Army Painting FastTrack


Hobby Seminar: Martin Orlando
Time: Friday, January 3rd 8:30-9:30 PM

5 in stock

Time: Friday, January 3rd 8:30-9:30 PM
Place: TBA in Schedule
Seminar Type: Demo (Students will observe and are not required to paint along)
Difficulty: Beginner
Max Capacity: Any

Do those fine detail, minuscule paintbrushes intimidate you? Do you want to paint a gaming army without worrying about precise application, while still getting a crisp finish? This demo will use rattle can undercoats, oil washes, and household items like cotton swabs to get an excellent treatment for your miniatures. Attendees will learn about elementary color theory, and how to get a gaming army painted quickly in a low-hassle fashion. There will be a QnA after the demonstration.

Check out Martin’s work here.

Be sure to pick up a Convention Pass for entry to the conference. Feel free to stop by the Registration if you need directions to your class.