Horus Heresy

Everwinter Logo


Join us this year from December 8 – 10 at The Westin Waltham in Boston


Here you’ll find all kinds of information pertaining to Horus Heresy. We hope to go above and beyond your expectations and look forward to meeting old friends and making new friends. This year’s Everwinter will feature multiple events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We welcome feedback, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

General Information

We will release a limited number of discounted rooms leading up to the event.

There will be an array of workshops for the event. The full list of workshops and opportunities to sign up will release this Fall. If you would like to host a workshop submit an inquiry.

Horus Heresy

Learn about the various Horus Heresy events happening at Everwinter this year.


Zone Mortalis

Fight out through the bunkers and hold fasts beneath the dead world of Tallarn.
– 1500pts
– 2 rounds Friday

Adeptus Titanicus

The Engine War Begins, bring 1500pts to fight in the wastelands and ruins of Tallarn. The match play book will be used, with additional rules from the engine war cards in effect by table.


Horus Heresy

Fight out the vicious battle of Tallarn with 3,000pt narrative battles.
– Three rounds, on Saturday

Zone Mortalis*

Fight out through the bunkers and hold fasts beneath the dead world of Tallarn.
– 1500pts
– 3 rounds Saturday

*BFH and ZM will run one after the other alongside 28mm

Adeptus Titanicus

The Engine War Begins, bring 1500pts to fight in the wastelands and ruins of Tallarn. The match play book will be used, with additional rules from the engine war cards in effect by table.


Horus Heresy

Fight out the vicious battle of Tallarn with 3,000pt narrative battles.
– Two rounds, on Sunday

Zone Mortalis*

Fight out through the bunkers and hold fasts beneath the dead world of Tallarn.
– 1500pts
– 2 rounds Sunday

*BFH and ZM will run one after the other alongside 28mm

Adeptus Titanicus

The Engine War Begins, bring 1500pts to fight in the wastelands and ruins of Tallarn. The match play book will be used, with additional rules from the engine war cards in effect by table.

Prize Support

Wicked Dicey will always go above and beyond when it comes to prize support.


Find all the answers in this frequently asked question section.

Yes, the Westin has ample parking around the facility.

Yes! A convention pass is required to enter the event.

Yes, we will have a social Paint and Sip and Kitbash Masterclass for folks who swing by.

Yes, in fact, there are two. You can compete in your tournament painting competition, as well as, our premiere painting competition Wicked Brush.

Yes, all purchases refundable up to 30 days after purchase leading up to the event.

Yes, we will have scheduled board game demos throughout the event.

On the day of the event, ask for Miles or Brad. Ahead of time, feel free to reach out to [email protected]!

Yes! We’ll have 10+ vendors selling various goods and wares. Come by and support local vendors and game developers.